- #S7572
- Oba / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1, 4+1
- 48-150 м²
- 140.000 €
- #S7549
- Kargicak / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1, 3+1
- 49-167 м²
- 140.000 €
- #S7313
- Oba / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1, 3+1
- 50, 120, 150 м²
- 140.000 €
- #S7656
- Mahmutlar / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1
- 67-75 м²
- 140.800 €
- #S7399
- Payallar / Alanya
- Investment
- Rooms: 1+1 2+1
- 43 100 м²
- 141.000 €
- #S7281
- Mahmutlar / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1, 3+1, 4+1
- 42-57, 76-87, 105-153 м²
- 142.000 €
- #S7279
- Mahmutlar / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1, 3+1
- 56-169 м²
- 143.000 €
- #S7471
- Oba / Alanya
- Investment
- Rooms: 1+1 2+1 3+1
- 52-114 м²
- 143.750 €
- #S7567
- Payallar / Alanya
- Apartments and penthouses
- Rooms: 1+1, 2+1
- 62-118 м²
- 144.000 €
- #S7484
- Mahmutlar / Alanya
- Investment
- Rooms: 1+1 2+1 4+1
- 50-60 90-100 185-205 м²
- 144.000 €